Black Squad
Black Squad

Black Squad

July 2017 (7 years ago)

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Black Squad is Free to Play first-person-shooter military game, with Battleye support, dedicated servers, great shooting mechanics and amazing netcode. You can experience 10 different modes from classic to massive multi-play modes. And unlock new weapons and characters with currency given to the player after each match.

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Black Squad has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

136.3 thousand

We estimate that Black Squad had approximately 136.3k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024630
December 2023860
November 2023952
October 2023739
September 2023903
August 2023784
July 2023908
June 20231.1 thousand
May 20231.1 thousand
April 20232.4 thousand
March 20232.9 thousand
February 20233 thousand
January 20232.8 thousand
December 20222.5 thousand
November 20222.8 thousand
October 20222.7 thousand
September 20222.6 thousand
August 20222.4 thousand
July 20222.4 thousand

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Black Squad

July 2017 (7 years ago)

social score

Black Squad is Free to Play first-person-shooter military game, with Battleye support, dedicated servers, great shooting mechanics and amazing netcode. You can experience 10 different modes from classic to massive multi-play modes. And unlock new weapons and characters with currency given to the player after each match.

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Black Squad has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

136.3 thousand

We estimate that Black Squad had approximately 136.3k players total.

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Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024630
December 2023860
November 2023952
October 2023739
September 2023903
August 2023784
July 2023908
June 20231.1 thousand
May 20231.1 thousand
April 20232.4 thousand
March 20232.9 thousand
February 20233 thousand
January 20232.8 thousand
December 20222.5 thousand
November 20222.8 thousand
October 20222.7 thousand
September 20222.6 thousand
August 20222.4 thousand
July 20222.4 thousand

Mysterious cases are being reported all over the world… It appears that Viper Circle is the group behind these criminalities. According to the CIA’s report, Viper Circle is known as an international corporation operating legitimate businesses. However, there may be more that lies beneath the corporation’s façade. In truth, Viper Circle is a ruthless organization, attracting all criminal forces and activities around the world; utilizing them for profit. Currently, the force of their organization is so strong, that the CIA has deemed themselves incapable of handling the notorious group. Due to their inability to handle such extreme measures, members of the UN have banded together to form the Global Anti-Terrorist Taskforce formally known as, Peacemaker. Peacemaker’s mission is to stop Viper Circle, and be the leading force involved in saving the world from future threats. Tensions begin to boil, as both groups continue to overthrow each other.

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