Bit Heroes
Bit Heroes

Bit Heroes

October 2017 (7 years ago)

social score

Explore a vast new MMORPG world inspired by your favorite pixellated dungeon crawlers. Collect and craft thousands of pieces of loot to increase your power. Build your team by capturing monsters and bosses to fight at your side in old school, turn-based combat. Prove you’re the mightiest hero in the land by competing in the PvP arena, Raids, and weekly events for awesome prizes! Take your most powerful friends and guildmates along to battle at your side!

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Bit Heroes has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

418.2 thousand

We estimate that Bit Heroes had approximately 418.2k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.1 thousand
December 20231.5 thousand
November 20232.3 thousand
October 20231.8 thousand
September 20231.7 thousand
August 20231.6 thousand
July 20232 thousand
June 20233 thousand
May 20232.8 thousand
April 20234.8 thousand
March 20235.2 thousand
February 20235 thousand
January 20235 thousand
December 20224.5 thousand
November 20224.3 thousand
October 20224.4 thousand

Bit Heroes

October 2017 (7 years ago)

social score

Explore a vast new MMORPG world inspired by your favorite pixellated dungeon crawlers. Collect and craft thousands of pieces of loot to increase your power. Build your team by capturing monsters and bosses to fight at your side in old school, turn-based combat. Prove you’re the mightiest hero in the land by competing in the PvP arena, Raids, and weekly events for awesome prizes! Take your most powerful friends and guildmates along to battle at your side!

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Bit Heroes has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

418.2 thousand

We estimate that Bit Heroes had approximately 418.2k players total.

Rate this data

Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.1 thousand
December 20231.5 thousand
November 20232.3 thousand
October 20231.8 thousand
September 20231.7 thousand
August 20231.6 thousand
July 20232 thousand
June 20233 thousand
May 20232.8 thousand
April 20234.8 thousand
March 20235.2 thousand
February 20235 thousand
January 20235 thousand
December 20224.5 thousand
November 20224.3 thousand
October 20224.4 thousand

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