Alter Aeon
Alter Aeon

Alter Aeon

December 1996 (28 years ago)

social score

Alter Aeon is a fantasy world of adventure and untold possibilities. Ours is an enormous, fantastic world to explore! We have thousands of quest to complete and tens of thousands of enemies to defeat!

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Alter Aeon has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

9.8 thousand

We estimate that Alter Aeon had approximately 9.8k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024560
December 2023764
November 20231.1 thousand
October 2023705
September 2023724
August 2023721
July 2023868
June 2023896
May 2023874
April 2023855
March 2023859
February 2023788
January 2023742

Alter Aeon

December 1996 (28 years ago)

social score

Alter Aeon is a fantasy world of adventure and untold possibilities. Ours is an enormous, fantastic world to explore! We have thousands of quest to complete and tens of thousands of enemies to defeat!

Estimated Daily Players

1.1 thousand

We estimate that Alter Aeon has currently approximately 1.1k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

9.8 thousand

We estimate that Alter Aeon had approximately 9.8k players total.

Rate this data

Do the game status and estimations look correct?
Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024560
December 2023764
November 20231.1 thousand
October 2023705
September 2023724
August 2023721
July 2023868
June 2023896
May 2023874
April 2023855
March 2023859
February 2023788
January 2023742

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