Action Taimanin
Action Taimanin

Action Taimanin

December 2019 (5 years ago)

social score

An intense, gorgeous hack-and-slash action RPG from the Taimanin fame!

Estimated Daily Players

1.5 thousand

We estimate that Action Taimanin has currently approximately 1.5k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

317.2 thousand

We estimate that Action Taimanin had approximately 317.2k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.5 thousand
December 20235.2 thousand
November 20235.6 thousand
October 20236.4 thousand
September 20235.5 thousand
August 20235 thousand
July 20235.7 thousand
June 20234.6 thousand
May 20234.9 thousand
April 20235.5 thousand

Action Taimanin

December 2019 (5 years ago)

social score

An intense, gorgeous hack-and-slash action RPG from the Taimanin fame!

Estimated Daily Players

1.5 thousand

We estimate that Action Taimanin has currently approximately 1.5k players daily.

Estimated Total Players

317.2 thousand

We estimate that Action Taimanin had approximately 317.2k players total.

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Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 20241.5 thousand
December 20235.2 thousand
November 20235.6 thousand
October 20236.4 thousand
September 20235.5 thousand
August 20235 thousand
July 20235.7 thousand
June 20234.6 thousand
May 20234.9 thousand
April 20235.5 thousand

◆ SYNOPSIS Tokyo. The demonic city, plagued with the demons from the dark realms. The ancient rule has prohibited the demons from interfering with humans, but with the humanity's dark descent, the pact is now history, and the treacherous syndicates weave crime and chaos throughout the world. In order to protect the nation, the Japanese government has established a special force, consisted of ninjas who, with their might and skills, can fight against the demonic invasion. The world will know them... as the taimanins. A new task force is established, composed of taimanins, to fight against the international threats and terrorist attacks. The task force's first mission is to retrieve the bio-weapon stolen from UFS base. The mission takes a wild twist, as an unexpected alliance joins the team, and equally unexpected adversary reveals himself - a man who knows Igawa Asagi, the Almighty Taimanin.......

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