9Dragons: Kung Fu Arena
9Dragons: Kung Fu Arena

9Dragons: Kung Fu Arena

February 2019 (6 years ago)

“Nine Dragons : Kung Fu Arena” is a Martial-Art battle royal project based on the history of “Nine Dragons Online”, loved by 7 million users globally. Through the bloody battleground in Gado island, defeat all other mercenaries and find “The Dragon’s Jade” to reveal the legend of Nine Dragon’s Legacy.


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9Dragons: Kung Fu Arena

February 2019 (6 years ago)

“Nine Dragons : Kung Fu Arena” is a Martial-Art battle royal project based on the history of “Nine Dragons Online”, loved by 7 million users globally. Through the bloody battleground in Gado island, defeat all other mercenaries and find “The Dragon’s Jade” to reveal the legend of Nine Dragon’s Legacy.

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