January 2015 (10 years ago)

social score

8BitMMO is a retro-style 2D massively multiplayer game! It's a giant construction sandbox -- you can build a home or a castle in a persistent streaming world. Found and manage your own city. Fight evil LawyerCats and engage in Player vs Player battle.

Estimated Daily Players


We estimate that 8BitMMO has currently approximately 210 players daily.

Estimated Total Players

6.9 thousand

We estimate that 8BitMMO had approximately 6.9k players total.

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MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
May 2024630
December 2023726
November 2023742
October 2023746
September 2023700
August 2023791
July 2023793
June 2023791
May 2023854
April 2023804
March 2023731
February 2023758
January 2023746
December 2022821
November 2022798
October 2022780
September 2022770
August 2022725
July 2022990

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    January 2015 (10 years ago)

    social score

    8BitMMO is a retro-style 2D massively multiplayer game! It's a giant construction sandbox -- you can build a home or a castle in a persistent streaming world. Found and manage your own city. Fight evil LawyerCats and engage in Player vs Player battle.

    Estimated Daily Players


    We estimate that 8BitMMO has currently approximately 210 players daily.

    Estimated Total Players

    6.9 thousand

    We estimate that 8BitMMO had approximately 6.9k players total.

    Rate this data

    Do the game status and estimations look correct?
    Help us improve by signaling wrong or stale data.

    MonthEstimated Monthly Average Daily Players
    May 2024630
    December 2023726
    November 2023742
    October 2023746
    September 2023700
    August 2023791
    July 2023793
    June 2023791
    May 2023854
    April 2023804
    March 2023731
    February 2023758
    January 2023746
    December 2022821
    November 2022798
    October 2022780
    September 2022770
    August 2022725
    July 2022990

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