War of Conquest
War of Conquest

War of Conquest

September 2018 (6 years ago)

Share a single vast game world with thousands of other players. Forge alliances with other nations to share crucial resources. Develop your nation on your own, enlist a team of friends to build your nation with you, or join forces with another player's nation. Conquer the lands you'll need to support your nation, and capture and defend resources that will give your nation an edge in battle. Scattered throughout the landscape are Orbs, mysterious ancient relics that promise to imbue your nation with great power if you can manage to take possession of one and secure it from your rivals. As your nation advances you'll make your way toward the harsher climes of the east, where greater rewards await… and where you may one day set eyes upon the mythical Orb of Fire.


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War of Conquest

September 2018 (6 years ago)

Share a single vast game world with thousands of other players. Forge alliances with other nations to share crucial resources. Develop your nation on your own, enlist a team of friends to build your nation with you, or join forces with another player's nation. Conquer the lands you'll need to support your nation, and capture and defend resources that will give your nation an edge in battle. Scattered throughout the landscape are Orbs, mysterious ancient relics that promise to imbue your nation with great power if you can manage to take possession of one and secure it from your rivals. As your nation advances you'll make your way toward the harsher climes of the east, where greater rewards await… and where you may one day set eyes upon the mythical Orb of Fire.

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