Seven Kingdoms 2 HD
Seven Kingdoms 2 HD

Seven Kingdoms 2 HD

February 2015 (9 years ago)

Seven Kingdoms 2 is an award-winning classic real-time strategy game of intrigue and diplomacy, of trade and industry, of betrayal, espionage and conquest. Take control of any of twelve emerging Human civilizations: Egyptian, Indian, Persian, Chinese, Japanese, Mongol, Greek, Roman, Carthaginian, Norman, Viking or Celt.


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Seven Kingdoms 2 HD

February 2015 (9 years ago)

Seven Kingdoms 2 is an award-winning classic real-time strategy game of intrigue and diplomacy, of trade and industry, of betrayal, espionage and conquest. Take control of any of twelve emerging Human civilizations: Egyptian, Indian, Persian, Chinese, Japanese, Mongol, Greek, Roman, Carthaginian, Norman, Viking or Celt.

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