Norr part I: Ace Shot
Norr part I: Ace Shot

Norr part I: Ace Shot

July 2019 (5 years ago)

Ace Shot is a hardcore top-down shooter , dynamic action game that could give you no time to rest. The story begins in miami in the 80-th(alternative reality).You have to build your criminal empire and destroy it after that! The game gives you a lot of ways to kill enemies. From sniper rifle to rocket launcher...


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Norr part I: Ace Shot

July 2019 (5 years ago)

Ace Shot is a hardcore top-down shooter , dynamic action game that could give you no time to rest. The story begins in miami in the 80-th(alternative reality).You have to build your criminal empire and destroy it after that! The game gives you a lot of ways to kill enemies. From sniper rifle to rocket launcher...

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