

August 2021 (3 years ago)

A shared world adventure MMORPG which abandons absolute persistence in establishing shared story-telling with a beginning and an end.


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August 2021 (3 years ago)

A shared world adventure MMORPG which abandons absolute persistence in establishing shared story-telling with a beginning and an end.

In the early game, CODEX offers a linear content progression paired with choice sandbox features such as an emphasis on economy and crafted goods to reach your full potential. The flow of completing quests, grinding XP and understanding gear is critical knowledge in how to play your individual class and facilitates ease of play in learning your character. Sandbox games are frequently met with the hurdle of on-boarding gamers with the daunting and complex reality of offering too much too soon. Expect a particularly smooth, familiar and enjoyable ride early on as we offer the quintessence of what we enjoy from themepark style games. In the mid-game, things start to change. We start incorporating more challenging gameplay as your characters abilities and your enemies start to evolve. The themepark tropes break down and we move away from rigid scaling formulae. You’ll need your class experience to deal with more unpredictable and deadly combat as we escalate the risks of combat whilst broadening the definition of your own individual class. World PvP becomes available in creating the human element of danger paired with dangers of dropping non-essential, albeit valuable goods. Such encounters are tempered by regional rules to ensure that such encounters are infrequent and players meet similarly leveled opposition. Towards late-game, gameplay will have evolved statedly from our humble beginnings and adopts a more free form, sandbox and open form experience. The previously static world is now dynamic, allowing players houses to be built and the lands shaped by player inhabitants. Top level classes retain their unique features and identity whilst achieving sufficient cross over to optimize competitiveness and showcase your acquired knowledge during combat. End-game gear has shifted from predefined linear pieces to randomly generated and content has become statedly more difficult and will often be contested by opposing players.

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