Modern Combat 5: Blackout VS AdventureQuest Worlds

Modern Combat 5: Blackout

Modern Combat 5: Blackout

AdventureQuest Worlds

AdventureQuest Worlds

342 social score

Game Status


The Modern Combat 5: Blackout game status is active.


The AdventureQuest Worlds game status is active.

Game Age

10 years ago

Modern Combat 5: Blackout was released on July 2014 and is now 10 years old.

16 years ago

AdventureQuest Worlds was released on October 2008 and is now 16 years old.


Modern Combat 5: Blackout runs on 4 platforms.

AdventureQuest Worlds runs on 1 platform.

Player Perspectives

Estimated Total Players

Estimated Total Players

1.7 million

We estimate that AdventureQuest Worlds had approximately 1.7m players total.

Estimated Daily Players

Estimated Daily Players

3.1 thousand

We estimate that AdventureQuest Worlds has currently approximately 3.1k players daily.




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